Denver Rails -The Railroads of Denver and the West
My motivation for doing this site was Leon Kanopka. Once when I was plannning a trip I found his website RAILTERMINAL.COM. What a great tool for the railroad enthusiast. You could view by state all things railroad to do and see. I even submitted new attractions and corrections with his thanks.

When planning a trip back in 2001 I was greatly disappointed to see a white page informing of his untimely passing and soliciting offers to continue his site. I was sad to hear of his passing but thought someone should keep up his work.
I emailed his brother-in-law Lefty and was told the most promising prostect would be given the reigns to his site.

Almost 2 years had passed and still no RAILTERMINAL.COM. I know of no site that was as easy and straightforward to use. With that in mind I took it upon myself to continue his theme of a resource of all things railroad in North America. Much of his input was used in building my database.

People come and go. The best we can do while God gives us time on this earth (in addtion to serving Him) is to leave a good record and legacy of what was here during our tenure. I hope this serves that goal well. And while you see what was here during our time, perhaps you'll remember Leon Kanopka and myself, Mike Stutz.

God Bless America
©2001-2024 Mike Stutz