Comments/Directions: : ITM is open weekends only April through Memorial Day, 10am-5pm. From Memorial Day through October, we're open Tuesday-Sunday, same time. Admission to the museum is $3 for adults, $2 for kids (4-12) and includes a 1920's trolley ride. Diesel-powered 2-hour round trips depart the museum on Saturdays & Sundays, $7 for adults, $5 for kids, includes admission to museum and trolley ride. For a current schedule of events, send a #10 SASE to the above mailing address. ITM is home to the Nickel Plate 587 steam engine. Several online excursions are planned for the season. See one of the mid-west's few remaining active steam locomotives in action! The museum also is home to the #90 Henry Flagler private car, EMD F7's, Budd stainless coaches, and more!