Location: GLASGOW, MO
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Historical Marker with the history of the site of the first all steel railroad bridge. The marker can be found at N 39° 13.577 W 092° 50.878
A great place to view the bridge is an overlook at Market and Water Street.
Marker reads:
History of Glasgow
Glasgow, site of first all steel bridge in world, built by Gen. Wm. S Smith, engr, 1879 for C.& A. R.R. replaced 1900 for heavier traffic. Sketch of original bridge above.
Glasgow founded 1836, successor to Old Chariton 1817, Monticello 1829, Thorntonsburg 1832, each abandoned because of disease or location. Land bought from Talton Turner & Jas. Earickson for $2758. Proprietors: Jos. A. Blackwell, John Bull, Thos. N. Cockerill, Stephen Donohoe, Wm. Dunnica, Jas. Earickson, Richard Earickson, Jas. Glasgow, (Town bears his name), Jas. Head, C.W.D. Johnson, Wm. J. Moore, John F. Nichols, Benj. G. Pulliam, Wm. D. Swinney, Talton Turner & Thos. White, 1st lots sold Sept. 10, 1836, inc. Feb. 27, 1845. Early settlers from Ky, Tenn. & Va.
Glasgow, by 1860 a major shipping & distributing center. Fortunes made in tobacco, hemp & wheat. Heavy river traffic - wharves from Bear to Greggs Creeks, plank road from Glasgow to Huntsville 1853-64, cost $84,000. Tri-weekly state to St. Louis 1837, fare $10. Post office Sept. 27, 1837; telegraph 1852.
Glasgow 1861-65, much guerrilla activity notably that of Bill Anderson, Battle of Glasgow, October 15, 1864. Union Forces held town, detachment of 43rd Mo. Volunteers & parts of other units, commanded by Col Chester Harding. Confed forces across river commanded by Gen Joe Shelby; those to east & south under Gen. J.B. Clark & Col. S.D. Jackman.
Union gun boat, West Wind, sunk at foot of Market St. City Hall with Union munitions & area to south destroyed by fire. Confed victory, battle monument 3rd & Howard Sts. site of Union trenches, near St. Mary's Catholic Church.
Glasgow, early educational center, Glasgow Female Seminary 1849, Pritchett College 1866-1917, Rev. J.O. Swinney Founder. Local artist& donor of city park, Cornelia Kuemmel, taught here. Lewis College 1867-91; Lewis Library 1866, oldest west of Miss. River, Donated by Benj. W. Lewis & family & Maj. Jas. W. Lewis.
Glasgo, site of many old businesses, homes, churches. Methodist Church, oldest 1844; building 1849, used as hospital in Civil War. Henderson Drug Store 1841, oldest one-family drug store west of Miss. R. operated by 4th generation. Glasgow Savings Bank, 2nd oldest in Mo., 1871, by reorganization from Weston E. Birch & Son Banking house, 1852. Loan for Pony Express from this bank. Paper "Glasgow Missourian" 1867. Oldest existing Lodge, Masonic, 1876.
Glasgow, 20th century, Glasgow Sand Co. 195, Dandon Laird Hotel, formerly Adgate, 1923, Glasgow Co Op Ass'n est 1923. Highway bridge, first free one over Mo. R. 1925, Monnig Ind. 1956, outhgrowth of Rall Bros. 1887, Ed S. Maupin Lbr, 1943. Hawthorn Co., 1959. Dist Office K.C. Power & Light Co. Area Office U.S. Engrs. also located here.
Bridge Type: Truss
Bridge Usage: Railroad
Moving Bridge: Not listed
Added 01/17/2024